It was a historic day in Washington State. I moved to Atlanta from Seattle. Washington was the 7th state to recognize marriage equality. I am honored to have photographed over 100 gay and lesbian weddings over the past 25 years. We now can just call it “getting married”. There is no reason to separate what marriage is. We are all equal and I am thrilled.
I am slightly uncomfortable categorizing a wedding as a “gay wedding” because honestly, it is a wedding between two people that love each other and want to share their sacred vows with one another. But.. for the sake of people being able to decipher a wedding vendor that supports equal rights, I wanted to make sure you knew some facts. I am an equal rights photographer. I am LGBT friendly. I love weddings. I don’t care what your sexual preference is. I love people. Photographing weddings requires that the photographer is present at one of the most intimate times in a couple’s life together. Sharing the joy, and illuminating the love, it is integral that your photographer holds your vows as sacred. Being able to support that and document those moments is of the utmost importance to me.
To view some commitment ceremonies I have photographed, here are some links of recent couples.